Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

My time in Peru has certainly been a time of new experiences as I have gotten to know my little corner of Cusco more intimately. In all reality, some of these experiences have been unpleasant and uncomfortable-these have certainly taught me a lot about my world and myself and I am thankful for them. However many of the sights, smells, sounds, etc. that I have gotten to know while in Cusco have been lovely. Some of my favorites include:
  • The sense of independence I feel walking to the nearby locals' market to buy my daily ration of mandarins and avocados. There is something exhilarating in haggling over a few soles in Spanish with the local women and then walking home through the cobblestone roads.
  • The warmth of the sun on my face as I sit on a bench in Plaza San Blas, pretending to read my novel while listening to the babble of the nearby fountain, the whining voices of Peruvian street vendors, and the multilingual chattering of the many tourists who inhabit the square.
  • The lights of the houses that dot the hills surrounding the city like Christmas lights, transforming Cusco into a fairyland of sorts at about 6:00 every evening.
  • The pungent smell of fresh coffee when I manage to make a drip latte perfectly.
  • Hearing the children at CORASON call out "Hermanita, hermanita" when they want my attention.
  • Abram, my favorite little two-year-old's snotty dusty smile when I kick him an inflated rainbow beach ball. He truly is the only one who will ever be impressed by my soccer skills
  • The sound of popular praise and worship songs sung in Spanish.
  • The sound of firecrackers going off in the plaza every morning. Of course I enjoy this much more if I am already awake.
  • The shining image of Cristo Blanco illuminated with arms outstretched that I can see on my walk home at night.
Sorry that was a long list, I suppose I have found a lot to love in Cusco. As we continue our last two weeks here, I would ask that you pray for:
  • Ben's health, his allergies have really been bothering him lately and this has made him quite miserable.
  • Ability to communicate in Spanish.
  • The cafe is undergoing a bit of a change in leadership, so a smooth and peaceful transition for all involved.
  • Openness to what God is trying to show us in our time here.
Thanks for joining us in our time here!


  1. I feel like I am there!

    Love and miss you. Praying for you and ben

  2. Aww, I wish you were!
    I miss you too, but I will see you in a month!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love all your singular memories! You make me want to figure out a way to travel more than I do.

    The Newberry Library Book Sale is next weekend. Anything I should keep an eye out for to add to your collection?

  5. (I apologize for the deleted comment -- there was a typo!!)

  6. Aww Bonnie thank you! I hope you can find more time to travel, maybe towards San Antonio-though its not quite a thrilling destination :)

    I wish I could be with you for the book sale, that was such fun! No specific book iis coming to mind, but if you find anything that catches your eye and reminds you of me....
